How one artist used presidents to depict the Ten Commandments

Donald Trump for “thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
For her photo series “The 10 Commandments,” Canadian-Israeli artist Dina Goldstein used U.S. presidents to depict the commandments and “examine the socio-political makeup of America through its political icons.”

Ronald Reagan for “thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.”
In an email, Goldstein said she was inspired by the 2016 election and Christian conservatives turning a blind eye to then-candidate Donald Trump’s “Access Hollywood” comments and accusations of sexual misconduct and “volatile behavior” while “holding up the Bible and the Ten Commandments,” she wrote. “The hypocrisy became so transparent and dangerous!”

Richard Nixon for “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
Over the course of a year, Goldstein cast models and friends from Vancouver and shot the 10 images.

Teddy Roosevelt for “remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
Founding Father George Washington is shown in a rest home to illustrate the 5th Commandment to honor thy father and thy mother…

George Washington for “honor thy father and thy mother.”
…while Abraham Lincoln, the first president to be assassinated, is depicted in the halls of a school following a shooting, for the 6th Commandment against killing.

Abraham Lincoln for “thou shalt not kill.”
Goldstein depicted presidents of both parties “to stress that the problem does not lie within one party alone,” she wrote.

John F. Kennedy for “thou shalt not commit adultery.”
Barack Obama is shown at a stock exchange with a “Best President” sash for the 8th Commandment to not steal as a statement against the lack of Wall Street executives jailed over the financial crisis, while Trump is used for the 1st Commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” because it “perfectly embodied his self serving nature, demagoguery, and hubris,” she said. The model who plays Trump is actually a woman, actor Sue Sparlin.

Barack Obama for “thou shalt not steal.”
“I hope that the series can be taken in with a grain of salt and an open mind,” Goldstein said.

George W. Bush for “thou shalt not bear false witness.”
You can see see a behind-the-scenes making of the series video here.

Harry Truman for “thou shalt not covet.”